All The Indie and Alternative LDS Music You Should Know About
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Since originally posting this list of indie LDS musicians, Nauvoo Supply Co. began hosting a handful of musicians and their full length albums on our platform. We're honored they trust their creative output with us, and we're looking for more artists to onboard. Want to be on this list, or want to consider our platform? Email us: hello@nauvoo.supply.
Babylon, also known as the world, offers infinite content(1), and by that I mean there's more offer more music available to stream than a person could listen to in a lifetime, if you spent your entire life listening to music. Our charge then, is to choose wisely, or we become mindless consumers. (See Articles of Faith 13.)
Try to keep Sunday music to a more worshipful set. On Monday through Saturday you might use music to tune in while you work out, or tune out while you do chores. The list below aims to introduce you to Latter-day Saint artists you should know about.
This list does not catalog Latter-day Saints who happen to be musicians, you can google those lists... This list attempts to uncover artists who bring deliberate Latter-day Saint themes, lyrics, tunes, and content to their music. In other words, you won't find famous Mormons from Imagine Dragons, Neon Trees, or Brandon Flowers on this list.
“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” — Article of Faith 13
Listings are alphabetical, and no this listing isn't an endorsement of the creators, or their content. Use discernment, as always.
Electronic, Saintwave, & Rap
Ezequal / rap / SoundCloud
Kolobyte / electronic / Nauvoo Supply Co.
(also on Spotify, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud)
Leiland Tanner / electronic & alternative rap / SoundCloud, YouTube)
Peregrine / electronic and rap / Nauvoo Supply Co.
(also on Soundcloud)
Sons of Ephraim / electronic and rap / Nauvoo Supply Co.
Young Sim / rap / Spotify
Indie rock & Folk rock
Emily Brown Music / indie rock / Spotify, Apple Music
Danny Heslop / folk rock / Saints Channel
Jon Peter Lewis / indie rock / Spotify
Roxy Rawson / indie rock / Spotify, Apple Music
Three Degrees of Glory / progressive rock / Nauvoo Supply Co.
(also on SoundCloud)
City of Enoch / pop trio / Spotify, Apple Music
Bonus points for original lyrics. They deliver clean piano, vocals delivered in breathy tones with plenty of cello layered over an acoustic drum kit and lightweight electric guitar. In other words, City of Enoch is very safe musically, taking few risks, except again, for the effort of writing original lyrics.
Nashville Tribute Band / pop / Spotify, Apple Music
Folksy with the DNA of pop.
Mainline Christian and Latter-day Saint Hymns Remixed
Derek Westra / acoustic piano / Spotify, Apple Music
Simple acoustic piano played on the upper register gives the album
Elenyi / worship music / Spotify, Apple Music, Saints Channel
Are you an artist? Send us samples or links to your original recordings. Email sellers@nauvoo.supply.
1. Infinite content is a song by Arcade Fire (yes, front man Win Butler, and his brother Will Butler were raised in a Latter-day Saint home. Arcade Fire's track "Infinite Content" is about the possibility of consuming to the point of becoming numb, and as the lyrics say, remain infinitely content.
If you're a musician, performer, singer, rapper, or songwriter, send your link and a blurb of text to add yourself to this listing. Are you an artist? Send us samples or links to your original recordings. Email sellers@nauvoo.supply.